
Shopping cart is empty!

Possible reasons why are below...

1 Did You Comment Correctly?

Your comments are like codes, and need to be written correctly. Use spaces between your commands and an item code, but don't use scpaces in your Item codes. Example, type "buy ITEM213", not "buyITEM123" or "buy ITEM 123". Don't add special characters like: "buy ITEM213!!"

2 Out of Inventory

If you commented on an item correctly, and it doesn't show up here or your subcart, there's a good chance that the store you are buying this product from is out of inventory for that item.

3 Bumped Out Of the Queue

If you had a place in line, and that place in line is no longer there, it means that someone ahead of you bought the remaining inventory. Bummer.

4Time Is Up!

If you took more than an HOUR to checkout, your queue has been cleared. If this is the case, you can always try to comment on the sale again, click the link and it will show up here. Unless of course they are out of inventory, or it was an auction.

5 Every Sale Has Its OWN Shopping Cart

Find the right sale, and check the cart again. If you had a shopping cart from this sale beforehand, click on the 'Following' tab on the browse page.